International Journal ISSN 1451-107X (PRINT) International Journal ISSN 2406-1069 (ONLINE)

Open Access Policy

Open Access Policy of International Journal of Transport & Logistics (IJTL)


All articles published by IJTL are made available under an open access license worldwide immediately. This means:

  • everyone has free and unlimited access to the full-text of all articles published in the IJTL journal and everyone is free to re-use the published material given proper accreditation/citation of the original publication.
  • open access publications are supported by both publishers (the Faculty of BERG, Technical University of Košice, The Logistics Institute of Industry and Transport, Slovakia and Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, Department of Haulage and Hoisting, Serbia) and acceptance is completely free of charge for all authors.


Meaning of Open Access:

In IJTL understanding, which is in accordance with major definitions of open access to scientific literature (namely the Budapest, Berlin and Bethesda declarations), open access means:

  • peer-reviewed literature is freely available without subscription or price barriers, literature is immediately released in open access format (no embargo period), and published material can be re-used without obtaining permission as long as a correct citation to the original publication is given.
  • by making information freely available in this way, Open Access accelerates research and learning. IJTL is the journal that helps general public, students, teachers, authors, professionals, researchers, scholars, doctors and other readers in extending and stretching their bounds of knowledge.


ISSN 1451-107X (PRINT) 

ISSN 2406-1069 (ONLINE) 

Marek Madej Web pages author of the journal. 

© ÚL, FBERG, 2001-2010 Logistics Institute, Park Komenského 14, 043 84 Košice, Slovak Republic

© DHH, FMG, 2001-2010 Department of Haulage and Hoisting, Djušina 7, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia